The purpose of Lake Front Publications is to connect the advertiser with the consumer. Lake Front Publications publishes free weekly and quarterly newspapers throughout the year. To pick up your copy of LAKE FRONT NEWS, visit one of our advertisers listed in our Vacation Directory.
FREE FULL SIZE MAPS…To pick up your FREE copy of one of our full size Ohio Lake Erie Vacationland maps, please visit any one of our map advertising locations.
Lake Front Publications provides this online service to better serve our community. If you have specific questions or want more information about any of our advertisers or community events, please contact these individuals or businesses directly. We are unable to personally address these inquiries.
Many of our advertisers offer additional savings if you clip their advertisements. To take advantage of any discounts offered, we recommend that you print out each advertiser’s page and present it at the time of purchase.
For more information on this affordable,effective method of marketing your business to the Ohio Lake Erie Vacationland, click here, call (419) 734-1280 or e-mail our Sales Department for advertising information, deadlines and a rate sheet.